来自网友【Elizabeth_kate】的评论S15 new charactor coming S15E15 party on fire everybody fancy fashion clothes love Mer's outfit winter coat seems stylish in this season E17 Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. peace offering 道歉礼物 Amelia and new ortho chef Link have chemistry S15E19 girls help girls so sweet so nice woman's been abused It's not your fault E21 Amelia meets her sisters in NY Nancy- O.B bossy most forgiving Liz-give d nerves of leg to repair the accurate function of his hand Kathleen-shrink/psychologist (played by Amy Acker) love family drama E22 mer interacts with her kids so sweet equal nice and so fun E24 Mer helped Jo from stopping herself (have the ability but not personality) Drama comes one by one Jo's birth difficulty and Alex Alex's rare blood patient have a donor but she's afraid to go out finally decided to get in the car but stuck in the road by traffic and fog Mer's insurance fraud but covered atood up by Andrew Teddy and Owen and Tom drama combining with Amelia and Ortho guy link Teddy went to Owen's home found Amelia with Leo Just when you thought it can't get any worse, Teddy's water broke and it starts raining Maggie and Jackson stuck in the camp Donor happened an accident E25 this show so sweet equal diverse nice healing (doc.)