来自网友【安然Maria】的评论没有机会一季一季追Friends,没有机会一季一季追HIMYM,而The Big Bang Theory,一季一季,十一年的陪伴,终有完结。最后一集的话题很有意思,变化,友情。The only thing that actually stays the same is that things are always changing. 看他们从一群奇男怪女,到遇见各自的另一半,成家,立业,生子,却依旧聚在那组沙发旁吃着外卖,调侃说笑,亲如一家。没想到最后的他们会成为如今的样子,而这样的变化却又合情合理。坏了11年的电梯终于启动了,似乎一切都该要move on. 又哭又笑地看完了40分钟,欣慰又惆怅。也许不久,会再有这样一部关于友情的神剧,但它属于另一个年代另一群人。生活大爆炸属于我们。24.5.26 看Young Sheldon越来越体会到要完结的氛围,所以跑回来花一个月的时间重新刷TBBT。重刷的时间过得又快又慢,没想到这么快就刷完了,但同时回头看看居然已经过了快一个月。最后一集依旧特别好哭。因为要去date画了全妆都不能随意哭,回家卸了妆接着看最后的十分钟,终于可以放心流泪。我想我终于有勇气去看YS的最后两集。但同时我好像还没有准备好和这个系列说再见。所以,原本不打算看Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage的,不过我好像要冲了。
来自网友【Lok】的评论Finally, since unemployment from September of this year, I have watched all the 12 seasons today. The three months isn't easy for me, and thanks for the accompanying of the series.I am so jealous about Sheldon, who is selfish but loved by so many people. Successful career, wonderful marriage, fascinating friendships. But maybe that is what a drama is, everyone has a great ending, and that is also why we love watching it, since it is hard to get so much at the same time in real life.Every character is great, not a perfect one, but a more real one. Leonard has good job (in my own view, not Sheldon's), but couldn't get what others think is granted from his mom, and what's worse, he utimately find his mother raises he as an experiment. Thankfully, he forgives her as he is ok with the relationship between them. He is not tall, not handsome, however, he is brave enough to go for Penny, as Amy said, he "didn't care what anybody else thought or wanted, including Penny". He has my respect. In reality I am just like him, short, normal, and the difference is that I have no courage to get what I want.