来自网友【CL】的评论但我無法接受這麼好的佳作只有十條劇評!Nikki 已經變成我的情緒處理楷模Jason和Nikki就是最佳情侶🧑🤝🧑不容質疑兩人可以直到最後一集才有結婚這個行動更是讓我羨慕這種關係Nikki 直面自己的不足Jason對事情的模糊感Hotel?我不知道我在寫什麼了寫到這裡才發現我用的繁體我决定简体再写一遍是不是够字数了PS Penny is my fav,这个角色只是一个边角人物,坎坷的经历只是情节过程中茶余饭后的聊天中交代只言片语,其他都在戏里编剧太牛了
来自网友【Zia】的评论1、You say it like now because you are with me, and you love me. But if you were with someone else now you would love them,and that love would be easier. Niki, I feel sorry for anyone who are not now with you, Honestly. I don't know how they got up in the morning. 2、You start off dreaming this perfect love, he's gonna lift you up, And make you heart beat and heart red, but you end up just wanting someone to go to lunch with, it's compromise