乔·赖特(《至暗时刻》《赎罪》《傲慢与偏见》)将执导悬疑惊悚新片《窗里的女人》(The Woman in the Window),根据A.J. Finn所著同名畅销小说改编,崔西·莱茨(《八月:奥色治郡》《伯德小姐》)操刀剧本。讲述女主角Anna Fox隐居在纽约家中,酗酒、看老电影、回忆曾经的美好,以及暗中监视她的邻居们。当罗素一家三口搬来后,Anna某晚透过窗户看到了不该看的东西,她的世界开始支离破碎,令人震惊的秘密开始显露出来。
来自网友【爱玩的过路人】的评论艾米亚当斯( 《70年代秀》(That 70s Show)、《捉鬼者芭菲》(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)、《白宫风云》(The West Wing)及《超人前传》(Smallville) )这次扮演的是一个患有出门恐惧症的儿童心理专家Anna,她自从罹患病症之后已有10个月不得出门,平时看看老电影、喝喝小酒、和分居的老公煲电话粥、再偶尔观望对街公寓邻居生活、聊做消遣。 她的心理医生 (这家伙还是编剧! Tracy Letts) 还在鼓励她踏出家门、同时劝说不要喝酒服药。。。。。 这周,一家人新搬入来Anna家对门,这家15岁的小儿子 Ethan (Fred Hechinger)奉母令给Anna 送乔迁之礼。。随后 他家老妈Jane (Julianne Moore、 《星图》《时时刻刻》《告别天堂》《依然爱丽丝》 ) 也来做客,不久Anna发现这一家的蹊跷来,貌似存在家庭暴力。。。呃。。。这一家男主人Alistair (Gary Oldman 《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》 ) 也跑来警告 Anna离他家人远点。。。再后来就是那晚恐怖事件。。。。。故事从此进入惊悚时刻:是男主人家暴?Anna过度服药产生幻觉?还是。。。。。 结局有点这两年青少年剧套路、美队前两年的惊悚剧也是这个结局。哈哈哈 It's clear that director Wright wants to follow steps of Hitchcock’s Rear Window with many more noir-esque classics. It is stunning that cinematography of Bruno Delbonnel (Amélie) keeps things looking fresh, where there is still some stylish shots of Adams watching TV (although if Ethan thinks Anna has a lot of films, he should come around some of the STARBURST teams’ houses) and dizzying views down the staircases. An overpowering feeling produced when Anna attempts to leave the house and during a scene where she’s confronted by the police, her neighbours, and her lodger (played by Wyatt Russell), which replicates a panic attack a little too closely for comfort. The house is photographed and lit beautifully and the feeling of being ‘trapped’ within its walls is something we can all relate to after this last year.Amy Adams is top-notch as Anna, showing genuine vulnerability and confusion. Gary Oldman - although not appearing as much as we’d like - is as imposing as we’d expect. While The Woman in the Window isn’t as memorable as the films it pays homage to (we loved the composition of Adams with Salvador Dali’s dream sequence from Hitchcock’s Spellbound), it’s entertaining enough and perhaps more suited for its streaming destination than fighting for attention on the big screen, where it could have been a disappointment.合理吐槽中:1、艾米同学是不是要减肥了? 这两年越来越丰满。。在《她》里的风姿现在也是若隐若现,呃, 最后决战怎么用体重就可以压垮顶层屋顶玻璃了呢? 导演大大也用心太、太险恶点吧。。。2、呃。。。。 David 小哥哥那张饱经沧桑的脸越看越熟悉。。。。哦。。。。刚刚跑去当过美队二、没几天下岗、后来又转岗US agent 那个再研究一下演员表。。。啊。啊。啊。那个闪回里的倒霉老公!。是猎鹰!哦不对、美队二。。两人是组队来串场的么?!3、导演是《至暗时刻》那个。。所以拉了Gary 大叔还有 客串工具人了。。。。朱丽安·摩尔、艾米 和Gary 也搭档两次以上啦。这次是玩票拍个重逢么?!