来自网友【'﹎|零¨ヰ】的评论好听好了All right, listen up.你们用的是未经测试的武器You are using untested weapons...抵抗此刻看来是无法被击退的敌人against an enemy that, to this point, has been unstoppable.现在你们要前往未知的领地Now, you are heading into unknown territory.听清楚了And hear me when I say你们会看到一些无法理解的东西you're gonna see things you will not understand 我们的敌人已在数日之内遍布全城Our enemy has spread through the city in a matter of days. 不知道它们会传播多远There's no telling how far they will spread...除非我们反击unless we fight back.很多人都不曾有机会改变未来Most men never even come close... to changing the future.此地This is the place.此刻And now is the time.不要犯错你们是最后一条防线Make no mistake, you're the last line of defense.让我们完成最初的使命Let's go do what we came here to do.